The 2025 season is a go!
Dear Saratoga Stars Participants, Family Members & Volunteers –
We are back on the ICE! Our season will start with our skate fit, on Saturday January 4th, Then we start on the ice on January 11th, 2024 for a very full season! Our only Saturday Off in 2025 is Jan. 18th, so this year we are again truly thankful for the Saratoga Springs Rec. Dept., Saratoga Hockey and Skidmore College Hockey for helping us out to get our current dates!
2025 Saratoga Stars Schedule Updates:
Sat. March 15th 11:45am to 12:45pm
Thank you!
2025 Saratoga Stars Skater Participation Form
2025 Saratoga Stars Volunteer Form
For any questions please email: Mike Baxter at mbaxter@saratogaspringslions.com
Saratoga Stars – A Saratoga Springs Lions Flagship Program
Saratoga Stars brings together physically challenged kids, youth volunteers and members of The Saratoga Springs Lions Club in an inspirational program that helps physically challenged kids learn to ice skate. The highly successful program now in it’s 23rd year, touches the hearts of all the volunteers who participate. Stars offers volunteers the opportunity to see the results of their volunteerism, usually the smiling faces of excited kids.
Program Overview
- The program runs from January through March and is held at one of City’s two public ice skating rinks.
- Kids and volunteer skaters take to the ice 60 minutes once per week
- The program culminates with a choreographed ice show where kids and their volunteers skate together.
- You do not have to be a Lion to participate. We invite anyone willing to give of their time for an hour or two to show up and strap on a pair of skates.
- The “Stars Program” uses equipment specially designed for the safety of the skaters by Gliding Stars Inc., Buffalo, New York.
For questions please contact Lion Mike Baxter at: mbaxter@saratogaspringslions.com
Saratoga Stars – A Saratoga Springs Lions Flagship Program